Rehabilitation of the Burned Hand – Pressure Therapy Interventions
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About the Course
This online course will introduce the principles of an evaluation for hand pressure therapy intervention, and the characteristics and use of different pressure therapy interventions for burned hands.
Course objectives
After this training, you will be able to:
Explain the principles of an evaluation for pressure therapy intervention for the hand.
Explain the characteristics and use of different pressure therapy interventions for burned hands.
Course content
Evaluation principles for pressure therapy intervention for burned hand
Pressure therapy devices and their use
Elastic bandage
Pressure gloves
Pressure therapy intervention cases
Pre-test to evaluate the level of basic knowledge of the participants.
Mini quiz after each lesson to review key points of the lesson.
Post-test to evaluate the improvement of participants' knowledge.
Pressure therapy intervention exercises
Approval criteria:
Completion of all course elements within the allotted time period.
Post-test score of 80% and more.
Completion of exercise
The participant will need to complete all learning activities before the end of the training, after that date the participant will no longer have access to the course content and the learning record will be marked as "incomplete".
Upon successful completion of the course, the participant will receive a certificate of completion.
This course is for
Physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
Other professionals.

Vita TU