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Heterotopic Ossification as a Secondary Post-Burn Complication







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About the Course

Heterotopic ossification (HO), or the abnormal growth of bone in non-skeletal tissues, is a secondary post-burn complication that can be extremely debilitating and can seriously affect rehabilitation progress and outcomes. Unfortunately, HO is not widely recognized and telltale signs may even be overlooked, even as HO may be a major cause of impaired function and pain in the months after hospitalization and discharge. This course will help you understand what is HO, what are the risk factors, and how HO can be prevented and detected.

Characteristics of the course

  • Combination of theoretical and practical knowledge, with concrete clinical examples.

  • Video lessons you can watch at your own pace, as many times as need.

  • Mini quiz after each lesson to review the key points.

Course objectives

After this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain what is HO and what are the risk factors.

  • Explain the symptoms of HO and how to detect it.

  • Explain the impact of HO on burn patients.

  • Explain the rehabilitation interventions used at the different stages, for prevention, early detection and treatment.

Course content

  • What is HO, its prevalence and risk factors.

  • What are the signs to look for if we suspect HO.

  • What are the treatments for HO.

  • What are the rehabilitation interventions to prevent HO.

  • What are the rehabilitation interventions in the case that HO is detected, and after surgical interventions.


The following evaluations will be done:

  • Pre-test to assess the level of basic knowledge of the participants.

  • Mini quiz after each lesson to review the key points of the lesson.

  • Post-test to evaluate the improvement of the knowledge of the participants.

Approval criteria:

  • Completion of all course elements within the allotted time period.

  • Post-test score of 80% and above.

The participant will need to complete all learning activities before the end of the training, after that date the participant will no longer have access to the course content and the learning record will be marked as "incomplete".

Upon successful completion of the course, the participant will receive a certificate of completion.

This course is for

Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists working in burns.

Other burn professionals interested in learning more about this topic.




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